For almost two days now, RAN Online , and the rest of the other e-Games titles, portals and forum pages remain down. Any attempt to log on RAN Online simply results in the following message being displayed: Logging on any e-Games website only generates a browser time out error and a blank page, as if e-Games simply did not exist on the web. What gives? I have always been critical of the shoddy service e-Games has been giving its customers lately (see previous posts here and here ), but this recent development takes the cake. Without any advisory or warning, e-Games' web presence has mysteriously disappeared, just like that. It reeks of unprofessionalism and incompetence, and to my mind, simply unacceptable and definitely a perfect example of the wrong way to run a business. I also find it a bit disturbing that most newspaper and magazine articles I read about local MMORPGs are filled with little more than hyperbole and unending praise, with nary a mention of the "dark side...