Nice guys finish last....
Hmmm...what's that posted above the whiteboard? Ah yes. Well, it happens. I've been working in government for the past 12 years or so... And the experience is not the sort of thing I would wish on even my worst enemy. While government service pays pretty well, especially if you're working for one of those high-paying government owned and controlled corporations (GOCCs) or government financial institutions (GFIs), the sad truth of the matter is that unless you have friends in high places, opportunities for ascending the corporate ladder are few and far in between. In a perfect world, government service should be a meritocracy, that is, you are given responsibilities and compensation in relation to your capabilities..."merit and fitness" in government parlance. Sad to say, this hardly ever happens in real life. I have seen employees who do nothing but nod their heads even when presented with hair-brained orders from even more hair-brained superiors and yet they stil...