
Showing posts from January, 2010

Here we are again....

So here I am again, in a place I have found myself many, many times in the past, and will probably find myself many times in the future as well. I'm sitting in front of my desk, in front of a keyboard, thinking that there has to be more than life than just going through the daily grind of going to work, going home, eating, sleeping, rinse, lather, repeat. I guess I have painted myself into a corner. Frankly I don't really see myself doing anything different, because it's just so...there is really is nothing different for me to do, and it has been like that for as long as I can remember. Oh, I know what you're thinking...assuming someone other than myself is reading this, which I doubt. You would say that there is a world of opportunities out there, things to do, places to go, so on and so forth, and you're right. But somehow, for me at least, varying my routine invariably leads me back to my invariable lifestyle...did you get that? Whatever I try to do, somehow I a...

Just another new year....

It's 2010. The start of a another year. Big deal. No, I don't mean to be this cynical with the new year only five days old, but it all seems so arbitrary to me. Several thousand years ago, some person decided to mark the start of a year by taking into account the position of the stars in the night sky. Hey, the Earth revolves around the sun in one huge circular orbit...there is no start or end. Someone long dead just decided that one position is the start, and that's about it. Perhaps the pattern of stars in the night sky coincided to one happy moment for this person...perhaps a good harvest, a victorious battle, then he or she sought to commemorate that event by remembering the exact pattern of stars and marking it as the start of the "year". A new year is really more of a symbolic gesture than anything else. We all need the assurance that every twelve months, we can start anew, start fresh with a slate wiped clean, forgetting all the bad things that happened to...