Dancing with...inmates....
The inmates of Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitiation Center (CPDRC) strut their stuff. And they're actually pretty good. Only in the Philippines. :-)
Turn off the background audio first at the bottom of the page before clicking the play button.
Reenacting Michael Jackson's Thriller video. More than 9 million views and counting.
Dancing to Queen's Radio Gaga.
I Will Follow Him, from the movie Sister Act.
Hail Holy Queen, also from the movie Sister Act.
I'm all for second chances and everything, but this gives rehabilitation a whole new meaning. Who knows? These inmates may just find careers as dancers or music video extras when they get out. And that's probably a whole lot better than whatever got them in jail in the first place. :-)
The CPDRC inmates have several other videos dancing to other tunes, just look them up on YouTube. :-)