The Choice

The Choice by Og Mandino is the fourth book I’ve finished this week. I guess even with a bum stomach, I had to write something about this book...

Mark Christopher, also known as "Mr. Success," is a high earning, top level executive for a well known insurance company, as well as an assistant professor in a university teaching classes once a week on Salesmanship. With his sales savvy, promotion to the top of the ladder seemed inevitable. Yet, after realizing that being with his family meant more to him, he gives it all up to pursue a lifelong dream instilled during his youth by his long gone mother…that of being a writer.

He moves into a new home…with an inland lighthouse as his studio…and, after twenty months of toil, he finishes his book. Unfortunately, having his book published was another problem altogether. After a number of rejections, and close to destitution…his book gets published…and unexpectedly becomes a bestseller. The bestseller of it’s time. In the throngs of success, he receives mystery letters from an unknown person…meets a long lost hero…and asked to make…the choice.

From Og Mandino’s eloquent use of language and metaphor springs forth a powerful and inspiring tale of risk, hardship, success and fame which brings to the forefront the importance of the choices that all of us make in our lives. Whatever and whoever we are now…whatever and whoever we become in the future, is a result of the choices you and I make. The irony is, not all of us may be aware that indeed we have choices. This is the secret to finding a better way to live…by realizing we do have options…that we always have options, and to exercise our freedom of choice. God does not hold us in bondage; we are not condemned to an inescapable fate meticulously planned out in advance. God lets us make our own choices…and perhaps lend a helping hand once in a while.

The book tells us that every sunrise we wake up to is a gift from God, to do everything we do, no matter how menial, no matter how boring, to the best of our abilities, to find happiness in ourselves before we search for it elsewhere, to not be afraid to take risks and to embrace opportunities, and realize, above all, that everything is up to us. We have the power to make choices.

All in all, The Choice is an eminently readable book which does not fail to delight, motivate and inspire.


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