Knowing is half the battle....
The past couple of weeks or so, I've been having all sorts of medical tests done. It's my usual routine to have all sorts of medical tests in the weeks following my birthday. It's kinda like my annual executive checkup. When I was younger I always imagined myself as being invulnerable to illness. Now that I'm older, I tend to be more pragmatic about my health. Well, so far, so good. Nothing really noteworthy, though I did get a couple of warnings for having borderline high blood pressure and cholesterol in the high normal levels.
The best way of getting rid of high blood pressure for me is to just avoid stress. Ironically, the best way for me to avoid stress is to stay at home instead of going to work. Unfortunately, once I do get back to work, catching up with all the unfinished tasks stresses me again. It's a vicious cycle.
As for cholesterol, it's nothing a diet adjustment won't fix. The trouble is, sometimes it's just so hard to eat right, especially when you're pressed for time, and more so if you eat out. It's just that there aren't that many options if you're looking for a low-fat, low-salt, low-cholesterol diet. I guess I just have to watch out for the fatty foods.
While high blood pressure and cholesterol are both serious matters which should not to be taken lightly, I often find myself more curious and anxious about the results of another particular test that I routinely have. An HIV test.
You may be wondering why I have to have an HIV test. Actually, I've asked myself that question a number of times. Chalk it up to being a hypochondriac, or perhaps I'm just being paranoid, but I guess I'd rather be sure that I'm clear of the virus. After all of the things I've read about it, it's scary shit to say the least. A virus which can cause a life-threatening disease of which there is still no cure. Yes it can be managed, but it is still a lifelong condition. I shudder just thinking about it. I commend the courage of those who have it and yet are fully capable of living life to its fullest potential. I'm not sure if I could do that. Hell, I'm HIV-free and I'm still having difficulty living my life to the fullest.
It's not as if I'm promiscuous, a IV drug user, or engage in unsafe sexual practices, because I don't. While I may not be at high risk for contracting HIV, it's nice to be sure. I'm definitely no lecher, but I'm not a saint either. What can I say? It happens.
Should you have an HIV test? If you were at risk in the past, you may want to, just to be on the safe side. It's not that big a deal...they just draw up some blood, and you can usually get the results later in the day or the next day. It's funny how sure you can be that you aren't at any risk of having it, yet, it's always a nerve-wracking experience having to wait for the results.I've read from good authorities that the number of HIV+ cases are on the rise, and unfortunately, this rise in infection is not really recognized as a health threat here in the Philippines. I only hope they don't wait until it's too late. Me? I'm happy to say that I'm negative. But that shouldn't lull me into a false sense of security. I still have to be careful. And so do you.
If this post has made just even one of you aware of this threat, then it has done some good. Like G.I. Joe often said, knowing is half the battle.
The Body: The Complete HIV/AIDS Resource
Staying Alive
World AIDS Day
ron, applause, applause! this is a great topic about which to spread the word, whenever possible.