Reader comments....

This is CL's initial comment to my post: The Bible is wrong! (duh....) Makes some pretty good arguments. Thought I'd share her views with all of you. Thanks CL. :-)

Do we really need an organization to govern our beliefs?

Answers are pouring and testimonials are emotionally touchy for many. I can’t speak for everyone else but my religious experiences; exploration of other faiths as I journey to grasp the complexity of each dogma only led me to observe that there are far more common grounds than there are differences. What has organized religion basically offered people through out history? Let’s travel back in time…

Filipinas for instance was a pagan practicing country. Merchants from the neighboring Indonesia and the Arab world [Islam], China [Buddhism] and India [Hinduism] who traveled the archipelago introduced their culture, religion, and traditions to the Filipino people. There was rarely any said bloodshed or forceful conversion. Interracial marriages took place. Soon as the Spanish Conquistadores landed the country, the lives of the people were bloody changed drastically. History tells us how the whole of Philippines were practically converted into Christianity. The bows, arrows and spears against the sword [the inverted cross] of cruelty and death. Adjust, adapt, submit or die was basically the ultimatum. Many fought and died, others managed to escape, others submitted against their free will, and others said, “What the heck, might as well”. The power of the sword conquered the country. Aman’illah [Arabic word which means the cry of the Filipino people to their gods, God] was changed into what is known now as Manila. This is just one of the many historical events of religious domination.

The saga continues as religious freedom fighters group themselves to form an empire against existing rivalries and against new religions that emerged from variant roots chanting, “We are the saved ones”. Put fear pressure into the heart of people and you will get as many followers you can ever imagine. It echoed for many years. The echo just got louder today around the world with each version of history and stories to tell.

Religion [X] is a label.
Belief [X] is an idea.
Faith [X] is connectivity.
Organized [X] for me is just a modest way of saying which gang do you belong?

Can we not believe in what we want to believe as we see fit based on our own free will?

Idealistically, don’t we all wish we can without prejudice? But reality dictates that it is they, the organized [x] who has the final words to control and manipulate people as they see fit. :)

I am not discrediting any religious belief in particular as I have negatively sited by one example because it is also through religion that our civilization’s ethics and moral values are shaped.

So is the bible wrong?

The bible is a religious document of passages and quotes said to be a spiritual manual that promised its followers the gates of heaven. It’s a book written many times over by people who claims scholarly knowledge which of these passages should be taken seriously and which one should be revised. Evident of these are few examples of what we now see with the countless versions claiming its authenticity.

Which of these bible versions should I then rely upon?

Well, I dislike the idea of being in the state of confusion neither do I care for the telephone game that many religious books came to be. I do however value the teachings and wisdom that I can get my limited intellect to reason without confining, particular inclination or limiting my source as far as spirituality is concerned. If it makes sense, I’ll be the first to lead. If it offers a rational or even a theoretical point of view relative to sciences then I’ll follow suit.


Ronald Allan said…
Sometimes its a bit hard to give a totally balanced opinion of this issue...there's just too much to be said, on both sides. :-)

Comments can do a lot to balance a post's views and as well as introduce us to points of view which me may well not be aware of.

And to this day, there are those who are hypercritical of the Church's past actions, as well as those who defend it. Perhaps by reflecting on history, maybe we can learn a thing or two...:-)

Thanks too guy, your comments have sure livened up my posts as well. :-)
Ronald Allan said…
And I'm also a layman. :-)

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