My 15 most read posts for the year....
According to my small army of various counters, the following represent my most read posts for the year 2005 (based solely on the number of hits). Counting down from number 15: 15. Having faith in people.... (posted February 19) A short essay on the difficulties of having too high a moral standard for my own good. 14. Lakeside serenity.... (posted March 13) My favorite photograph of my son. 13. The Alchemist (posted February 7) My review of the Paul Coelho bestseller. 12. Tech poseurs.... (posted November 5) My rant against those who pretend to be techies just to be "in". 11. Unaware of your angel.... (posted November 11) A posted forwarded email which led to accusations of plagiarism. 10. On marriage, spouses, anullment and divorce.... (posted November 25) The title speaks for itself. 9. Evolutionism versus creationism.... (posted November 10) The two origin theories face off. 8. Dissecting the double standard.... (posted December 6) The differences between men and