And the top ten reason to quit playing RAN Online , from 10 to 1, are: 10. Availability of newer and better online games. Frankly I don't have much experience with other MMORPGs, but I've heard and read lots of positive reviews over some newer online games, such as Perfect World , Lineage II , and Granado Espada . Yeah, it may be hard to give up RAN Online after all those months, but you never know. It may be about time to move on to some other MMORPG. And who knows? The service and support may even be better. 9. Poor return of investment. You play for hours on end, for months, perhaps even years, and eventually you get that high level character you've always wanted. Now what? You could try selling your account, but not only is that prohibited by e-Games , you'll only get a small fraction of the money you invested into making that character in the first place. Well, you do get bragging rights against lesser characters, but the satisfaction doesn't last. No matter ...