Last night, on a whim, I cleaned out one of my closets and ended up throwing out a number of old shoeboxes. I have this rather strange habit of keeping the shoeboxes of the shoes I buy. Even if I know that I'll probably never use them again. In fact this was the second time this year that I threw out a number of shoeboxes. Between then and now I must have thrown out more than dozen old shoeboxes. And most of them are actually in pristine condition.
Hmmm. Must be an OCD thing. An inexplicable urge to hoard stuff. Even things I know to be absolutely useless. Well, OCD or not, the huge amount of useless stuff I have is seriously depriving me of much needed closet space. And out they go. So why do I need more closet space? Of course to store more useless stuff. :-)
Must be a lucid interval of sorts. Maybe it means I'm getting over my OCD. My OCD. My OCD. My OCD. Oops. I guess I spoke too soon. :-)
Well...depends on the occassion. :-)